How Can I Submit Questions To Be Answered on the Calls?

We understand it is not always possible to make it to the live calls. But that doesn't mean your questions can't get answered!

If you have a question you would like our training team to address during the weekly calls, please submit your questions right inside of the 100X App in your Kingdom Real Estate Group!

You can find the. Questions link on the COMMUNITY tab right at the top.

Step 1: Go to the Community Tab inside of your group

Step 2: Click on the Questions link at the top

Step 3: Post Your Question in the pop up window

😉 Tip: Verify the category at the bottom is selected "Questions" before you hit enter or submit the post.

Step 4: Tune in for the answer!

Our team will answer your question by either replying in the app or during the weekly training call.

Don't worry if you can't be there live, all of our calls are recorded and you can catch up on the replay inside of your app!

✅ If you need help locating the replays you can find step-by-step guide HERE.

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