What do I do if I am not receiving your emails?

We can go into our system and ensure your email address is marked as valid. However, this usually has to do with spam settings and the way your specific domain classifies our messages. There are a couple of extra things that we recommend you try for good measure:

Whitelist our Email Address

First, you should check out this excellent web article that explains how to "whitelist" an email address/domain: https://clean.email/how-to-whitelist-an-email

The domains you'd like to ensure are on your safelist are pedro@100XAcademy.com holli.p@pedroado.com and @crushitwithchallenges.com.

Provide an alternate email address

If that doesn’t fix the issue, the next best option is to provide an alternate email address (preferably one that is not linked to a business domain and is not through AOL or Yahoo mail) so that we can merge your account information and get your essential messages re-sent to the newly provided inbox.

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